Beyond the Handshake: Balancing Authenticity and Professionalism in Networking


Imagine entering a room filled with stiff suits, exchanged business cards, and practiced elevator pitches. But here’s the thing: networking doesn’t have to be a robotic affair. In fact, the secret sauce to success lies in seamlessly merging your true self with your professional prowess. Whether you’re new to networking or a seasoned handshaker, let’s explore a more enjoyable approach where being genuine is just as important as making valuable connections. Get ready for a bunch of tips that will help you craft connections that boost your career and leave you with a smile.

Resume Hack Event on September 25th, 2023

Stay Curious, Stay Cool: Networking isn’t an interrogation; it’s really more just a friendly chat. Embrace your inner curiosity and ask questions that spark genuine conversations. The magic happens when you show sincere interest in others’ stories and experiences. Keep in mind you’re not merely collecting contacts; you’re forming connections between hearts and minds.

Value Yourself: Networking and job hunting demand self-worth. You might think your resume is lacking, or you’re desperate for any job. But here’s the deal: when you’re talking to potential employers, consider if it’s a fair exchange. You’re giving them 16 weeks of your time; how will they make it worthwhile for you? Ask the person you are networking with about what the experience is going to look like, what they enjoy in the job, what they are proud of having accomplished so far, what they wish were different, and what their day-to-day entails. Most importantly, how does this workplace/team support employees in their growth? These are the conversations you need to have.

Listen Like a Pro: Here’s a golden rule: listen more, talk less, and most importantly, think before you speak. Imagine your favorite song — you let the lyrics wash over you. Apply the same vibe to networking. Let the other person’s words guide the conversation while you groove to the rhythm of their thoughts. This 70:30 dance guarantees you shine as a conversational partner.

Stories That Sparkle: Sure, you’re a professional, but you’re also a human with interesting stories. Share those quirky anecdotes and memorable moments selectively. These glimpses into your life reveal your personality, making you stand out. Remember to maintain a professional balance so that you don’t overshadow the core purpose for too long.

Spread Smiles, Not Stress: Networking events need a solid dose of positivity and enthusiasm. Say you’re telling someone your win of the week — it’s unique, positive, and authentic to you! Your infectious positivity and genuine excitement create a buzz that draws people in.

Dive Deep, Not Wide: Move over, small talk! It’s time to dive into the deep end. Focus on fewer topics but explore them intensively. Uncovering hidden gems within shared interests not only shows your commitment but also lays the foundation for a meaningful connection.

Common Ground, Uncommon Connection: Ah, the sweet spot of networking — finding that common ground. Once you strike that chord, don’t hesitate to dive into the symphony. Talk shop, share passions, and sprinkle in a dash of personal anecdotes. This will turn casual conversations into memorable moments.

Read Between the Lines: Communication isn’t just about words; it’s a lot about your body language. Your raised eyebrows, agreement nods, and friendly handshakes speak volumes. Let your presence shine through with inviting gestures and eye contact that says, “I’m all ears and all in.”

Boundaries: Rock, Paper, Respect: In the game of networking, respect is crucial. Read the cues, honor personal boundaries, and steer clear of any conversational landmines. You’ll earn points for being the considerate and attentive player.

Follow-Ups That Sing: After the networking duet ends, it’s time for an encore. Craft follow-ups that resonate by referencing specific moments from your conversation. Your personalized touch turns a routine “nice to meet you” into something memorable.

There you have it, the recipe for building connections that feel as natural as chatting with an old friend yet carry the weight of a professional relationship. End of the day, it’s not about the quantity of contacts you make, but the quality of relationships you nurture. As Maya Angelou had once said: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Written by Anmol Mahajan.



YNCN (You’re Next Career Network)
YNCN (You’re Next Career Network)

Written by YNCN (You’re Next Career Network)

University of Toronto's largest student club dedicated to providing students with professional development opportunities & connecting companies with top talent.

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