Making the Most of Your Freshman & Sophomore Years at UofT


Walking into your first year or second year can be terrifying, daunting, and nerve-wracking. It’s hard not to set high expectations for yourself and envision where you want to be at the end of the school year. It is important to acknowledge that you are deserving of being where you are, and not having all the answers about what you are doing is normal.

Despite the potential stress that the school year may bring, there are several steps you can take to prepare yourself and lay the foundation for future success. These resources and tips will assist you in navigating through your university journey and maximizing your potential during the first and second years.

1. Join clubs and design teams

Joining extracurriculars such as clubs and design teams are a great way to build community, solidify your interests, and gain valuable experience. Engaging in design teams or clubs that align with your interests not only enhances your resume but also immerses you in your chosen field of interest. Beyond the classroom, clubs play a vital role in developing skills not typically taught in formal courses and foster a sense of community. When selecting clubs, it’s crucial to consider the time commitment they demand and ensure it aligns with your availability each week.

2. Keep your LinkedIn updated

As the school year quickly becomes busy, having an updated LinkedIn profile becomes immensely helpful when linking it to your personal website, resume, or job applications. A well-organized LinkedIn profile allows recruiters to see your skills and experience. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account yet, creating one is highly recommended, especially for 1st and 2nd-year students, as it serves as a powerful tool to showcase your professional identity. To update your LinkedIn profile effectively, you can draw inspiration from other individuals’ profiles. For instance, you can browse through the YNCN team page to find examples of well-maintained LinkedIn profiles. Some elements to make sure you have:

  • Professional Profile picture
  • Description
  • Highlights under each piece of work experience

As for other advice when it comes to LinkedIn, spending some time researching companies you are interested in as following recruiters beforehand may be helpful when creating connections in person.

3. Build relationships with your professors

Professors have a wealth of information about industry, jobs, and research expertise that they may not always have the opportunity to share in lectures. Engaging with them through office hours, asking questions after class, or emailing provides you with a chance to get to know your professors personally. Furthermore, professors often seek students for summer research opportunities. Building your relationship through the semester will help you stand out rather than a cold email at the end of the semester.

4. Use your connections (friends, family, parents)

Leverage your connections, including friends, family, and parents. It might feel uncomfortable (awkward etc.) to ask for help, but they can be a valuable resource in informing you about upcoming opportunities within various organizations. Even if they can’t directly assist, they might guide you to other individuals who can provide support with crucial aspects of the recruitment process, such as creating resumes, cover letters, or interview prep. In my experience, your network is wider than it may seem! For example, a friend from high school passed my resume along to his manager which led to my first summer internship.

5. Attend career fairs, workshops, and career-related events

Attending career fairs and workshops gives you a great opportunity to talk to companies you are interested in and build relationships early in your career. The career fair can also help you develop important networking skills such as introducing yourself and being able to ask thoughtful questions about a role in a quick time frame. Look out for the YNCN Fall Career Fair on September 29th from 10am-4pm at The Carlu! More details to come.

YNCN Fall Career Fair 2022–2023 @ The Carlu

Workshops provide an excellent chance to meet other students and hear advice from people that were in a similar position to you. If this is something you’re looking for, Resume Hack at YNCN’s Fall Career Week is the perfect place to get one-on-one advice about your resume from industry professionals.

The career fair can look different depending on what year you are currently in. Especially in your first year, try to get a feel for the career fair and form relationships as most often, companies are looking for upper year students. Set your intentions on forming connections with recruiters that will last your university career. Use this time as an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and come with the mindset to learn more about the role you are interested in so once you are in 2nd or 3rd year, you can effortlessly move through the recruitment process.

6. Networking or Professionalism at Events

When networking at events or career fairs as a student, mastering the art of professionalism is essential. First impressions count! Research the companies beforehand to show genuine interest and ask thoughtful questions to recruiters. Be sure to approach them with a positive attitude, smile and engage in meaningful conversations with firm handshakes and active listening. Respect recruiters’ time and avoid jokes, slang, or casual conversations. This is your moment to shine! Genuine interest and enthusiasm will always outshine personal gain.

7. Make sure to find balance

The hardest part of first year is the adjustment to university. Whether you are experiencing stress from commuting, the workload, etc., it is important to strike a balance between aspects in your life. My biggest piece of advice is to try different things and dedicate some time for yourself and your personal interests. Taking a break from school work is so beneficial and when you return to a task, you feel well rested and focused.

The first and second years may seem daunting, but fear not! Embrace these strategies to set yourself up for a successful journey ahead and overcome as many challenges as you can from the beginning. You’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure, and the possibilities are limitless! YNCN can’t wait to see how far you go!

Written by Sarah John.

Other Resources:



YNCN (You’re Next Career Network)
YNCN (You’re Next Career Network)

Written by YNCN (You’re Next Career Network)

University of Toronto's largest student club dedicated to providing students with professional development opportunities & connecting companies with top talent.

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